1500 essential vocabulary for the JLPT N4
ASK Publishing
ASK Publishing
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1500 Essential Vocabulary for the JLPT N4 is your vocabulary resource to prepare for the N4 level of the JLPT. Presented in this book is vocabulary found commonly on the JLPT and used in daily life in Japan. The book has several sections, which each section focusing on a theme (for example "Time" and "Family"). The structure all new words are introduced is the same throughout the book, making for a consistent learning experience. 1500 Essential Vocabulary for the JLPT N4 book structure: For each word, you get the following information: Part of speech, English and Vietnamese translation, Japanese example sentence with English and Vietnamese translation. There is a box to tick a word after you finished learning it, making it easy to continue where you left off. The book is structured in 5 chapters with vocabulary from the following themes: Time, Family, Home, Room and From Morning until Night. A red sheet to review and guess the missing words in the example sentences is included.