![Darakwon Korean Readers: The Story of Shimcheong [C1] | 심청전](https://s3.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com/nova-phenix-production/product/images_1/25435.webp)
Darakwon Korean Readers: The Story of Shimcheong [C1]
Kim, Yu-Mi
Kim, Yu-Mi
Date de parution :
Collection(s) The Korean Reader
Expédié sous 48h
19.50 €
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Le cinquième titre de cette série Darakwon readers introduit aux apprenants d’un niveau « autonome » l’histoire de Sim Cheong, une jeune fille prête à se sacrifier pour soigner la cécité de son père aveugle.
목차 Table des matières
머리말 Preface 2
일러두기 How to Use This Book 4
작품 소개 Introduction to the Story 6
등장인물 Characters 10
1 심 봉사, 부인을 잃고 심청을 얻다 Blind Man Sim Loses His Wife and Gains Sim Cheong 11
2 심청, 장님 아버지 밑에서 잘 자라다 Sim Cheong Grows Well under Her Blind Father's Care 16
3 심 봉사, 공양미 300석을 약속하다
Blind Man Sim Promises 300 Sacks of Rice Offered to Buddha 21
4 심청, 공양미 300석에 몸을 팔다
Sim Cheong Sells Herself for 300 Sacks of Rice Offered to Buddha 27
5 심청, 인당수에 몸을 던지다 Sim Cheong Throws Her Body into the Indangsu Sea 32
6 옥황상제, 효녀 심청을 살리다
The Great Jade Emperor Saves the Dutiful Daughter Sim Cheong 42
7 심청, 연꽃 타고 황후가 되다
Sim Cheong Rides a Lotus Blossom and Becomes Empress 47
8 심 봉사, 고난의 삶을 살다 Blind Man Sim Lives a Life of Hardship 54
9 심 봉사, 눈을 뜨다 Blind Man Sim Regains His Sight 59
부록 Appendix
내용 이해하기 Reading Comprehension 66
모범 답안 Answers 88
본문 번역 Text Translations 90