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Reinventing the Wheel

Reinventing the Wheel

Date de parution : 28/12/2022

40,25 €

Livraison France à 7,90 € et à 5,90 € à partir de 45 € d'achat

Ean : 9784908062476
Pages : 64

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Yasuhide Kuge’s ‘Reinventing the Wheel’ begins with an image, taken with a large-format camera about 20 years ago, of numerous music cassette tapes. Music represents an inevitable and timeless medium for creative ideas and images for those who love and listen to it. The book contains landscape and aerial photographs of sun-baked salt fields in the Brittany region of France, in addition to tightly framed detail shots of various sculptures. With this collection of images, Yasuhide provides an opportunity to reconsider the concept of time and its unique relation to photography, fixating on two themes which are closely related to the medium: contingency and redundancy.