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Everyday K-Lingo

Everyday K-Lingo

Date de parution : 19/04/2024

Expédié sous 48h
32,00 €

Livraison France à 7,90 € et à 5,90 € à partir de 45 € d'achat

Ean : 9788927733331
Pages : 256

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As our daily lives have changed since the advent of smart devices, so have words that are frequently used. Reflecting this change, "Everyday K-Lingo" selected "new daily life" using smartphones, SNS, Internet shopping, OTT, delivery apps, and KakaoTalk as the theme and included vocabulary and expressions that are frequently used in those daily lives.

However, just knowing a lot of words doesn't mean you can easily express it. For example, if you want to say, "I posted a comment on my favorite Instagram," you should know the word "comment" along with the word "comment." You should also know that you should connect "Instagram" and "attach a comment" with "e" in the survey. In this way, you should remember the situations or actions that come to your mind in Korean so that you can quickly say them in Korean. To this end, "Everyday K-Lingo" presented vocabulary in chunks of meaning rather than individual words.

서문 Preface 4
이 책의 활용법 How to Use This Book 8
목차 Table of Contents 12
주요 등장인물 Main Characters 15

1 핸드폰을 새로 샀다 I Bought a New Cell Phone! 17
(1) New Cell Phone 18
(2) Using a Cell Phone 24
(3) Using an App 30
(4) Cell Phone Problems 36

2 나도 SNS 한번 해 볼까? Should I Try Using Social Media Too? 47
(1) Starting to Use Instagram 48
(2) Instagram Posts 54
(3) Using Instagram 60
(4) Using YouTube 66

3 인터넷만 보면 다 사고 싶어 I Want to Buy Everything I See on the Internet 77
(1) Online Shopping 78
(2) Purchasing 84
(3) Making an Inquiry 90
(4) Issues and Returning 96

4 오늘은 하루 종일 넷플릭스 Today, I’m Watching Netflix All Day Long 107
(1) Selecting Content 108
(2) Watching Content 114
(3) Evaluating Content 120
(4) Canceling and Reasons 126

5 저녁에 뭐 시켜 먹지? What Should We Order for Dinner? 137
(1) Using the Delivery App 138
(2) Confirming and Serving Delivery Food 144
(3) Eating Food 150
(4) Leaving Reviews 156

6 우리 만날래? Want to Meet Up? 167
(1) Deciding on a Place via KakaoTalk 168
(2) Reserving and Notifying 174
(3) At a Restaurant 180
(4) Paying and Settling up 186

7 행복해지고 싶다면 떠나라 If You Want to Be Happier, Leave 197
(1) Before Reaching the Destination 198
(2) At the Accommodation 204
(3) At a Must-Eat Place 210
(4) Taking and Sharing Photos 216

Appendix 227
Korean Translation 228
Index 243